Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The scenario: I am at the grocery store picking up some food for dinner. As you do, my eyes drift over to the magazine rack next to the self-service cash register. On the cover of one of the mildly trashy tabloids (not that tabloids aren't trashy, mind you, but some are less so than others) is reality star Kim Kardashian, looking as vapid and bland as ever. The way she's posed, though, and the angle at which the camera faces her is meant to make me feel bad for her, or to make her look pitiful. The headline accompanying the photo reads "I Thought I'd Be Married By Now", mentioning that she is 30 years old. The question I have, genuinely, is this: who the hell is Kim Kardashian and why should I give a rat's ass whether or not she thought she'd be married?

Now, mind you, I don't care. But it was looking at this magazine cover for only a few seconds that I had to wonder: who is this woman? I know her now because she's in the spotlight, and I get a weekly dose of her whenever a clip of her is featured on The Soup. But why is she in the spotlight? This isn't meant to be a "if she's famous, why not me?" post; I seriously don't know who this woman is or why anyone cares about her. According to Wikipedia--I mean it, I kind of want to know who the hell this woman is--her show on E! started in 2007. And she had a sex tape. And her mom is the ex-wife...I think...of a former Olympian.

There are horrible atrocities being committed every day in this world. Aside from the obvious ones, I'm sure terrifying occurrences go by each passing hour without us realizing it. But I know, by sight, who Kim Kardashian is. Most of us do. Why are we so lazy--and believe me, I'm lumping myself in there--to care even a whit about the most vacuous, empty-headed people? Some of you might say, "Oh, well, it makes me feel better that there are idiots out there", or something to that effect. But, a) those idiots make money and b) why would it make you feel better? Each of us probably does something every day that's worth more attention than any Kardashian ever will do. Probably a more pointless post than usual, but I'm just blown away that anyone should care that Kim Kardashian thought she'd be married by now, or that a person could be so transparently selfish. To her, I say, simply, screw you.

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