Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm Not In A Good Mood...

...and I'll tell you why.

First and foremost, politics infuriate me. I get so fucking angry (and yeah, this is going to be profane, so you're warned) when I see how many Democratic voters didn't show up at the polls yesterday. I don't argue that there are problems in this country. Of course there are. There were before Obama took office, and there will be when he leaves in either 2012 or 2016. The idea that registered Democratic voters are showing Obama how they feel by not voting is so ridiculously wrong-headed and offensive to the ideals of the country. I know this is what some people chose to do yesterday. In 2 years, tell me how much of an impact it's made on your life.

I'm also frustrated at the reaction of the media to the political news, and--as always--their shortsighted reaction to the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. How dare Jon Stewart tell the media how to do their job, right? It's almost like he's got a point when he points out, via the use of clips and quotes, how shitty the mainstream media (or, sorry, the LIBERAL media, because that's what's involving Andrew Breitbart in ABC News' election coverage would have been had they not realized how fucking stupid that idea was) really is at their job. I certainly agree with one aspect of the argument: Jon Stewart really shouldn't be pointing out the media's flaws. He really shouldn't be, and he really shouldn't have to. And yet, the world will turn, the sun will rise, and the media will continue to blow.

I'm frustrated with the state of the country, and the state of the state. Essentially, it's hard to re-immerse myself in the world of entertainment when I know how badly the world is going. I could go on, but if I do, it's going to drive me crazy. Just a bit of venting. That's what blogs are for, right? Right.

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