Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Today was a long one, filled with anticipation for the upcoming Disneyland vacation, long drives, and an unsuccessful trip to Best Buy. Yes, they have the new Blu-ray of Pinocchio (still a classic), but Let The Right One In? What's that? Crazy talk. Why would we, the biggest DVD seller in Arizona, have a Blu-ray of that foreign movie of which you speak? Silly man.

Not much else to talk about here, aside from this...Jim Cramer's going to guest on The Daily Show Thursday. Now, two weeks ago, I wondered if Jon Stewart would have the stones to stick it to Rick Santelli and CNBC. Let's see if he sticks it even further to Jim Cramer, the new poster boy for "Just because I constantly stuck up for dead-in-the-water companies on national television doesn't mean you get to call me on it" arguments. Boy, I hope so.

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