Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Quick Thought

I realized this as I was about to nod off last night: when you consider that, apparently, the May 6 episode of Lost (still the best show on television, in case you weren't sure where I stood) is going to focus on Richard Alpert, the mystery man on the island whose face we have seen (Jacob's the one who we haven't seen yet). If that's true, will we find out the answer to why we have only one time seen him not looking debonair and eye-shadow-y? With the exception of the episode titled "The Man Behind The Curtain," we've always seen Nestor Carbonell looking young and fresh, no matter what time period the show is set in. In that episode, though, when young Benjamin Linus first met Alpert, he was in raggedy clothing, had unkempt and long hair, and looked a little thrown off and a tad scared. Will we ever find out why? Please tell me it's not going to end up as unknown as those weird-ass numbers.

Anyway....less than an hour to showtime.

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